

Window Alarms: Sensors for Specialized Security

Sep 10, 2024

Windows are frequently one of the most vulnerable points in any building, commercial or otherwise. Even if all the doors are double-locked and dead-bolted, a swift hammer blow could grant entry to a well-equipped intruder without much resistance. 

While door alarms, access control systems, and motion sensors are all valuable aspects of a security strategy, there are still a few bases left to cover. When it comes to reinforcing your security with window alarms, sensors like contacts and glass breaks provide several distinct advantages.

Window Alarms, Sensors, and How They Work

Window Contact Sensors

Contact sensors are one of the most common types of window alarm technologies, and for good reason. They’re generally built on two core components: a magnet and a sensor, which are placed either on the glass and the frame or on separate panes that slide past one another. When the window is closed, the magnet and sensor align. If the window is opened, the circuit is broken, and the alarm is triggered. 

Contact sensors are especially effective in detecting and deterring break-ins overnight or when the property is otherwise unoccupied. They’re easily integrated with overall security systems, allowing users to control and monitor these sensors with the same ease as any other security component in the building.

Glass Break Sensors

As effective as contact sensors are, there are plenty of windows — especially commercial ones — that aren’t designed to open in the first place. For locations where an intruder is more likely to break the window to gain entry, there’s another technology for your window alarms: sensors tailored specifically to detect glass breakage.

Glass break sensors are designed to detect the sound and vibration of breaking glass, triggering the alarm system as soon as a window is attacked. They’re particularly useful in areas with large windows or glass doors, such as storefronts, office buildings, or restaurants. 

Distinct Advantages of Window Sensors

There are several advantages to a window security strategy built on these unique devices. Here are a few that you can expect upon installation:

  • Early Detection — When used with window alarms, sensors provide instantaneous detection of potential break-ins, allowing you to respond faster to any incident in progress.
  • Comprehensive Coverage — Window alarms allow you to secure all entry points (even those that can’t normally open) for a more comprehensive strategy with fewer vulnerabilities.
  • Peace of Mind — Business owners everywhere lose sleep over what might happen overnight. A sound security strategy offers peace of mind wherever you are at any hour of the day.
  • Smart Home Integration — Many modern window alarms and sensors can be integrated with smart home systems, allowing you to easily interface from a smartphone or tablet.

A Critical Component of Comprehensive Security

When it comes to the safety of your business, your home, or any other property, it’s important to approach security from every angle. Windows are an all-too-common target for intruders, so ensuring they’re protected is an essential part of your strategy. Get in touch to ask about PEAK Alarm’s selection of window alarm sensors today.

For the last half-century, PEAK Alarm has proven itself time and time again as the Mountain West’s most capable security team. We offer robust solutions, cutting-edge technology, and world-class service to give our clients and our communities the safety and security they deserve. 
Protect what matters most to you. Contact PEAK Alarm today.

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